So, it is Friday, MARCH 29TH. Today at work (between cranking out orders for telecommunications services and stifling the urge to beat someone with my keyboard) I made this to do list. It is obviously incomplete, but it is a start and I have actually checked off a few items.
1. Learn to be patient faster.
2. Find someone wearing a cross necklace and ask them what the "t" stands for.
3. Play hide and seek in Ikea.
4. Restock googly eye supply, renew quest to put them everywhere.
5. Spend thousands of dollars on a liberal arts education, get a job in a tech company.
6. Have cake. Eat it too.
7. Become old, yell at children to get off my lawn.
8.. Discover an element, name it surprise.
9. Buy hunting knife, have it engraved with "kindness," keep it on desk at work.
10. Re-start blog.
11. Maintain sanity long enough to watch those I love either go insane themselves or figure their shit out.
12. Continue to be "unfit for the corporate environment," but maintain my gainful (snort!) employment with said corporate entity.
So one of my cohorts - for lack of a better term - has been kinda on me to start a blog, but since I had a blog but had not added anything to it in a few years, it was a matter of re-starting my blog, but I digress. So I am restarting this thing here in the marvelous cyber worlds with my incomplete to do list, because honestly, I cannot think of a better place to start. I find this is very often the case, this inability to know how and when to start something or restart something as the case may be.
Okay, so back to the list. I think that I need to take each item and give some sort of explanation as to why they are important enough to make the list. (Okay, who can tell me why the hell this thing decides to change font and font color all on it's own? Seriously vexing.)
Explanation of list items as listed but not necessarily in order of importance (REALLY?! Computer?! You are going to change back to the first font?)
1. Learn to be patient faster. I am not known for patience being one of my virtues and obviously need to develop this, quickly, like NOW. Is that a self defeating concept? Maybe.
2. Find someone wearing a cross necklace and ask them what the "t" stands for. It has to be just the right person, someone whom is obviously not aware of the why and hows as to their accessory choice. Asking them what the "t" stands for will hopefully serve to make them think about what they think and believe and their reactions could prove to be priceless.
3. Play hide and seek in Ikea. This one should be obvious. Ever been to Ikea? Shopping there is like an adult version of hide and seek and considering we have an entire kitchen to purchase from Ikea very soon, I might as well make use of the facilities.
4. Restock googly eye supply and renew quest to put them everywhere. Ah, the joys of the googly eye. This has been a "thing" for me for AGES. I used to put them up everywhere I went, in restaurant bathrooms, on various posted fliers, on the cover models of the magazines in the doctor's office waiting rooms. It makes me giggle and that is the only reason I will give for such behavior.
5. Spend thousands of dollars on a liberal arts education, get a job at a tech company. (This one I have accomplished, not because I really strove to do such, but it is done and I have checked it off.) I really don't want to discuss this any further at this time, but lets just say I am condemned to a cubicle 40+ hours a week and it hurts.
6. Have cake. Eat it too. This one is harder than it sounds as I have Celiac's and finding a cake without the evils of gluten is a much harder quest than you might imagine. Gluten free cake has proved disappointing at best.
7. Become old, yell at children to get off my lawn. This require maintaining the forward momentum to both age and maintain my household position while doing such. The lawn, when it is mine to control, will have many gnomes and the like.
8. Discover an element, name it surprise. Okay, so this one is silly and I found it on the internet, but I like it, so there it is.
9. Buy hunting knife, have it engraved with "kindness," keep i ton desk at work. As they say, "kill them with kindness." Now I never want to kill per say, but the mental image makes me really happy.
10. Restart blog. I think we all know where this is going...
11. Maintain sanity long enough to watch those I love either go insane or figure their shit out. I am hopeful for the later option. So far, it is about 50/50.
12. Continue to be "unfit for the corporate environment," but maintain my gainful employment with said corporate entity. This was actually said to me by a potential employer during an interview and it was a phone interview at that. She hadn't even seen my tattoos yet! This one has decidedly become one of the greatest back-handed complements I have ever gotten. Sadly, this girls gotta bring home the bacon, so I have to keep the job.
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